Senate marks down NASA budget proposal

The Senate Budget Committee announced its FY2005 budget resolution on Thursday, an initial step in the budget process. The budget, Reuters reports, cuts $7 billion from President Bush’s FY05 budget proposal for defense and has more cuts for other discretionary spending programs. For NASA, according to the Chairman’s Mark (see page 26), the committee budgets […]

House passes commercial space bill

The House of Representatives passed on Thursday HR 3752, the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004. The bill puts into law definitions for suborbital vehicles and trajectories, and specifies that suborbital vehicles will be regulated as launch vehicles and licensed, and not treated as aircraft and thus be certified. The bill also extends the […]

Hubble resolution introduced in House

Several members of Congress, led by Rep. Mark Udall (D-CO), introduced a resolution in the House on Wednesday calling on NASA to establish an independent panel to review its decision cancelling the SM4 Hubble servicing mission. The resolution also asks NASA to continue preparations for that mission until the independent panel completes its review. The […]

House approves asteroid awards act

The House of Representatives approved by a nearly unanimous vote a bill that would provide awards to amateur astronomers who discover near Earth asteroids (NEAs). The Charles “Pete” Conrad Astronomy Awards Act (HR 912) would give the NASA administrator the authority to provide small ($3,000) cash awards to amateur astronomers (who must be US citizens […]

Rohrabacher wins primary

Dana Rohrabacher has apparently won a very easy victory in his California Republican Party primary Tuesday over former Congressman Bob Dornan. According to an L.A. Times article, Rohrabacher, chairman of the House Science Committee’s space subcommittee, held an 8-1 lead over Dornan, who earned the nickname “B-1 Bob” during his tenure in Congress. (More updated […]

Aldridge Commission adds speaker info

I noted earlier today that although a NASA press release claimed that the list of speakers for the Aldridge Commission’s publish hearing in Dayton this week would be on the commission’s web site, it was not available as of midday today. I checked this evening and noticed that the list is now on their news […]

Britons on UK and US space policy

On Monday the British think tank Demos issued a press release about a new poll it conducted with polling firm MORI regarding British public perceptions on some space policy issues. The good news is that Britons, particularly younger ones, which the poll dubs the “Beagle generation”, have a strong interest in space: 55% believe the […]

Next commission hearing begins tomorrow afternoon

As a NASA press release issued Tuesday morning reminds us, the next hearing of the Aldridge Commission is scheduled to begin Wednesday afternoon in Dayton, with the hearing continuing all day Thursday. (Hopefully no one uses the NASA release to find the site of the hearing, the Air Force Museum: the press release lists the […]