One (potential) Augustine panelist’s views on civil space

The Orlando Sentinel published yesterday a list of likely members of the human spaceflight review panel to be chaired by Norm Augustine. The names haven’t been formally announced and are subject to change (and aren’t complete, as the Sentinel’s list includes eight people, plus Augustine, for a planned ten-person panel.) However, presumably a final should […]

Sometimes COTS-D isn’t COTS-D

Last week Sen. Bill Nelson made a vigorous defense of COTS Capability D (COTS-D) during a hearing with acting NASA administrator Chris Scolese, pressing Scolese on why NASA wasn’t funding Space Act agreements for COTS-D as directed by the NASA Authorization Act of 2008. Those comments stood out in broad relief compared to the criticism […]

Cautions about Bolden and Garver

Since Saturday morning’s announcement of the nominations of Charles Bolden and Lori Garver to the positions of NASA administrator and deputy administrator, respectively, the reaction has been almost uniformly positive. Members of Congress, industry organizations, and newspaper editorials have all endorsed the nominations, calling them a positive step forward for an agency that they felt […]

Updates on Bolden’s nomination, Augustine’s panel, and more

A few minor notes on recent events and miscellaneous items:

Sen. Bill Nelson told the Orlando Sentinel that he wants to get Charles Bolden confirmed “quickly”, and that he was already making arrangements for a confirmation hearing. No word, though on when that hearing would take place. Nelson added that Bolden and President Obama “really […]

Griffin channels Howard Beale

Huntsville TV station WAFF scored an exclusive interview with former NASA administrator Mike Griffin recently, with the first part of the interview airing last night. Griffin, who in the past has said it will be “unseemly” for the US to have to rely on Russia to access the ISS, was even blunter in the interview:


Foundation, Coalition back Bolden and Garver

The Space Foundation issued a statement Saturday endorsing the nominations of Charles Bolden and Lori Garver to the NASA administrator and deputy administrator positions. “[T]he White House has demonstrated that it appreciates the importance of both of these key positions to the future of America’s space agency,” Space Foundation CEO Elliot Pulham said.

The Coalition […]

Committee chair, ranking member promise expedited confirmation

In a press release issued by the Senate Commerce Committee today, ranking member Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) said the committee would work quickly to confirm the nominations of Charles Bolden and Lori Garver as NASA administrator and deputy administrator, respectively. “I believe the Commerce Committee will move expeditiously to consider this nomination, and that of […]

Gordon and Giffords weigh in

The chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee, Bart Gordon (D-TN) and the chair of the space subcommittee, Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), offered their comments on Bolden’s nomination in a joint press release, both welcoming the nomination. “I am impressed by Maj. Gen. Bolden’s resume, and I look forward to learning more about him during […]

Nelson’s video statement about Bolden nomination

Not willing to settle for one of those old-timey press releases, Sen. Bill Nelson provided a video statement (below) about the nomination of Charles Bolden as NASA administrator. “When people get to know Charlie Bolden, you’ll see why the president picked him,” Nelson, Bolden’s leading advocate for the job, said. “He’s a patriot, a leader, […]

Kosmas statement on Bolden nomination

The first official reaction to the official nomination of Charles Bolden to be NASA administrator appears to be from Congresswoman Suzanne Kosmas (D-FL), whose district includes NASA KSC. It’s safe to say this is an endorsement:

(Port Orange, FL) – Today, Congresswoman Suzanne Kosmas issued the following statement on the announcement that President Obama intends […]