Hutchison, Nelson win reelection

No big surprise here: most major media outlets have projected Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) as winners of their reelection campaigns. Both were anticipated to win by wide margins, and the results to date have met those expectations.

Election day preview

Oh, it’s a wonderful day today, isn’t it? Not just because we get to exercise our right to vote, but because it means an end to the flood of campaign ads where candidates and their allies accuse their opponents of being liars, phonies, spawn of Satan, or, worst of all, Washington insiders.

For space advocates, […]

Local space politics, Maryland style

As I noted in previous post, it can be difficult to find information on what positions (if any) Congressional candidates hold on space. I discovered this first-hand when I tried to learn what the candidates for the open US Senate seat here in Maryland thought about space policy in general, and NASA in particular. Maryland […]

A resource for space advocates?

With election day almost upon us (and thank goodness for that), some people are still deciding who to vote for in their elections. And, for many readers of this blog (although only a small fraction of the overall electorate), Congressional candidates’ opinions about space policy are of interest. But where to find that information?

Last […]

NASA funding and the Ohio Senate race

It’s rare for NASA to emerge as a campaign issue in Congressional campaigns. One of those rare events was this week, when the NASA budget made a cameo appearance in the Ohio Senate race between incumbent Republican Mike DeWine and Democrat Sherrod Brown. According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, DeWine played up money he has […]

Double indemnification report

One of the little provisions tucked away inside the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004 called on the Department of Transportation to commission a report on “the liability risk sharing regime in the United States for commercial space transportation”. Under the current system (which the same legislation extended through the end of 2009), commercial […]

Everybody loves Hubble

The Congressional reaction to NASA’s decision yesterday to reinstate a shuttle servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope has been overwhelmingly positive:

House Science Committee chairman Sherwood Boehlert and space subcommittee chairman Ken Calvert jointly praised the decision. “The Shuttle missions to the Hubble have been by far the most important contributions the Shuttle program […]