“McCain and his Republican Party’s troubling stance on NASA”

In last night’s debate, Sen. John McCain reiterated his campaign’s stance on reducing spending through a (nearly) across-the-board budget freeze:

So we’re going to have to tell the American people that spending is going to have to be cut in America. And I recommend a spending freeze that — except for defense, Veterans Affairs, and […]

Grab bag of commentary

Many bloggers profess their disdain for the so-called mainstream media, in particular one of its central institutions, the New York Times. Yet some are willing to take their commentary cues from articles published in the paper, including this article Monday about the US reliance on Russia for access to the ISS once the shuttle is […]

Nelson: McCain campaign “just stepped in it”

The Republican National Committee’s “Obama Spend-O-Meter”, which includes Obama’s plans to increase NASA funding as part of a “liberal fiscal agenda”, has attracted the attention of Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL). “The McCain campaign has just stepped in it,” Nelson said, according to Florida Today. Some more Nelson comments from the Orlando Sentinel: It’s not only […]

Obama World Space Week statement

The Obama campaign forwarded to me the following statement (not available on the campaign web site, as best as I can tell) ostensibly about World Space Week, which started Saturday and runs through the 10th. Reading through it, though, it’s clearly designed to differentiate Obama from McCain on space policy, particularly for Florida audiences:

Senator […]

NASA: part of a liberal fiscal agenda

The Republican National Committee recently issued a document dubbed the “Obama Spend-O-Meter”, describing what it calls “Obama’s liberal fiscal agenda”. And in the midst of that lengthy list of spending initiatives, totaling over $1.2 trillion, is this one:

Obama Has Proposed $2 Billion In Additional NASA Funding. “Sen. Barack Obama has detailed a comprehensive […]

Happy 50th anniversary of… something

Yesterday, of course, was the 50th anniversary of the inception of NASA, and it’s not surprising the anniversary was marked in Florida. In fact, governor Charlie Crist issued a statement for the occasion, calling it “NASA Day in Florida” and even taking time to congratulate Congress for passing HR 6063, the NASA authorization bill.

It […]

Clinton, Daschle promote Obama’s space policy

A former president and a former Senate majority leader both hailed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s stance on space policy this week. Former president Bill Clinton, speaking in Florida, called Obama’s space policy a sign of the candidate’s ability to “an eye on the future”, according to the Orlando Sentinel:

“He has a plan […]

Unjustified celebration?

“Flying in the teeth of White House opposition, the space agency’s congressional supporters have apparently guaranteed a 15 percent budget increase by appending the proposal to a spending measure necessary to keep the government running.” So begins an editorial in today’s Houston Chronicle, congratulating Congress for having “done its part by providing the money” for […]