Pluto, no. Mars, yes. Alien life, definitely.

Last week, after astronomers announced the discovery of a fifth moon orbiting the dwarf planet Pluto in images from the Hubble Space Telescope, the web site The Capitol Column openly pondered the effect that discovery would have on the NASA budget: “It may have taken the discovery of a new moon to finally get members […]

Briefly: More shuttle lobbying, support for the ex-Triana, Hernandez’s torch run

A grab bag of items from the last few days:

Remember when members of Congress would lobby for shuttle orbiters to be located in the states or districts? Now that the locations for the orbiters have been settled (and the complaints from those who lost out have died down), some members are turning their attention […]

Updated NASA budget summary

Based on a comment yesterday about what the current House budget for NASA was in light of the floor debate this week on the Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) appropriations bill, the table below summarizes the numbers from the President’s budget request (PBR); the House bill, HR 5326; and the Senate version, S. 2323, which […]

Wolf to Bolden: don’t even think about China

At last week’s meeting of the heads of the space agencies involved in the ISS, in Quebec City, Canada, the subject of potential future Chinese participation in the station apparently came up. “I am in favor of seeing how we can work together with China,” ESA director general Jean-Jacques Dordain told reporters, as the Canadian […]

Former NASA head O’Keefe skeptical about sequestration

Earlier this month NASA administrator Charles Bolden expressed optimism that “sequestration”, the term given to the across-the-bord budget cuts currently in place for fiscal year 2013 after the failure of the supercommittee to come up with a long-term deficit reduction plan, could be avoided by Congressional action in the coming year. “I don’t think it’s […]

Former astronaut plans run for Congress

For months, people have speculated that Mark Kelly, the retiring NASA astronaut who is the husband of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), is planning a political career, despite repeated statements by him that’s he not interested in running for office. That speculation will likely continue this week as he participates in a formal retirement ceremony from […]

How do you pay for JWST?

The cost increases and schedule delays associated with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have become a major concern in the scientific community and beyond, as best illustrated when the House Appropriations Committee offered no funding for the program in its FY2012 appropriations bill, which is currently pending consideration by the full House. Although the […]

Perlmutter: Progress failure is reason to expedite MPCV

Last week, the failure of a Soyuz rocket carrying a Progress cargo spacecraft to the ISS, thus raising the risk the Soyuz crewed spacecraft could be grounded for an extended period, prompted one member of Congress to call for “emergency” funding for NASA’s commercial crew development efforts, while another argued that NASA should accelerate work […]

Nelson crosses the aisle on ISS, KSC issues

It’s frequently noted here and elsewhere that space issues do not follow party lines closely, if at all, with differences of opinion more likely to be along regional or other lines than party affiliation. That’s demonstrated in the last few days by a couple of statements on space issues by Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), working […]

Polls suggest support for space exploration but not bigger budgets

The end of the shuttle program, in addition to prompting its share of political reactions, was also a cue for pollsters, who used the occasion to seek out the public’s views on a variety of space issues. The responses suggest the public, while generally supporting NASA, is reluctant to let the shuttle go and also […]