
Senate Hubble resolution now available

The Senate resolution calling for an independent study of the SM4 cancellation decision, introduced Thursday afternoon, is now available as S. Res. 324. A quick comparison of it with the House version, H. Res. 550, shows what appear to be, primarily, only cosmetic differences. One interesting difference is that clause two of the Senate version includes the language “and assess alternative servicing methods” that is not present in the House version.

5 comments to Senate Hubble resolution now available

  • Harold LaValley

    All that is needed is the President to sign the bill and twist NASA’s arm into doing the right thing with regards to all space exploration for if we can not repair Hubble we can not do anything else because nothing has a zero risk assesment ever.

  • I think there is way too much fuss over keeping HST alive. It isn’t worth the risk to send astronauts to maintain the satellite, as there is no safe haven should the Shuttle experience troubles on orbit. Sean O’Keefe is, and has been, a practical-minded administrator, and using the Shuttle for anything other than ISS construction appears out of the question.

    Also, it is important to understand that even if the HST shuts down today, it has gathered enough science to keep astronomers and cosmologist occupied for decades.

    Finally, several technologies have been introduced since HST’s launch which permit highly accurate observations of astronomical subjects from the ground, some with greater clarity than HST. Having said that, it is still desirable to have more powerful telescopes in Earth orbit and beyond.

    Mikulski wants to save HST for no other reason than to keep jobs in her district, which is completely understandable.

  • Harold LaValley

    Safe Haven is a fantasy what is actually need is safe return backup systems for these kinds of mission. Even if this where the old apollo capsule there is no backup if it where puncture. There is no safe haven in space only a greater chance of survival at the ISS while they wait for a return ship.

  • Bill White

    Speaking of safe havens, why not resurrect X-38 and deploy in a Delta IV-H? It sits in the assembly building at Canaveral to be launched if the orbiter gets in trouble. Orbiter crew is limited to 6, but so what?

    $500 million was the original cost and would have included 4 copies, right? Over the long run, this has to be cheaper than always having a second orbiter flight ready and disrupting the operational tempos for the orbiter missions.


    Add some modest station-keeping to allow a damaged orbiter to dock with the X-38 and bring the crew home, if needed.

  • Anne Simmons

    The death of the HST before its originally planned 2010 end-of-life is not so much a blow to the astronomy community as it is a blow for NASA public relations. HST is arguable one of the best ambassadors for space research NASA has ever had. While the average public may know little or nothing of the research done on the Shuttle or ISS, or of other Earth and sciences missions, they know Hubble. Hubble images have graced the pages of newspapers and popular press countless times; they have been incorporated into education curriculum in the United States and abroad; they have even influenced how space is portrayed on television and in the movies (now space is shown in the beautiful multi-hues of false-colored HST composite images). HST has been a long-term public outreach bonanza, one that has erased from memory of its original “eyesight” problems. This perhaps more than anything has driven the frenzy to save the telescope and yielded the new language in the resolution.