Campaign '04

Debate reminder

The debate between representatives of the Bush and Kerry campaigns on aerospace issue is still scheduled for Thursday morning; as of late Tuesday space was still available to attend but reservations are required by 11 am Wednesday. Since my original post the debate participants have been announced: Frank Sietzen for the Bush campaign and Lori Garver for the Kerry campaign. This selection is disappointing but not necessarily surprising: while both are knowledgeable on space topics neither is intimately involved with their respective campaigns, another sign of how important space policy is to both campaigns.

4 comments to Debate reminder

  • Mark

    If you want a little preview, here’s the latest statement by both sides on space. It’s question 9.

    In a nutshell:

    Bush: Moon/Mars just like I said in January.
    Kerry: Moon/Mars is crazy. NASA will do weather satellites and drug research.

    I’m probably biased but that’s what I took from it. I’m hoping that something a bit more substantive comes out of Thursday’s thing.

  • Anonymous

    Does Frank Sietzen represent the Bush campaign in any way?

  • Jeff Foust

    Does Frank Sietzen represent the Bush campaign in any way?

    It’s my understanding that the debate organizers contacted the Bush campaign and got confirmation that Sietzen is, indeed, an official representative of the campaign. That is interesting, because Sietzen is also a working journalist, writing regularly for UPI.

  • Keith Cowing

    Frank no longer writes about space policy. All will be explained (by Frank) tomorrow. And yes, he will be there as an official representative of the Bush campaign.