
Americans for Space

I received an email earlier this week announcing Americans for Space, a “campaign of American citizens devoted to realizing America’s destiny in space.” This effort seems primarily oriented towards informing people about the latest developments in space development, but the web site notes that future activities may include letter-writing campaigns and Congressional visits. Americans for Space is a project of the National Aerospace Development Center, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, so there will be a limit to the amount of political activity they can perform. (Full disclosure: the head of the NADC, Tim Huddleston, is a good acquaintance of mine, but we have not discussed the Americans for Space program.)

3 comments to Americans for Space

  • Bill White

    I wonder if “Americans for Space” will prove to be oriented towards: (1) Saganauts; (2) von Braunians or (3) O’Neillians?

  • John Malkin

    My bet would be on O’Neillians. By the way I’m an O’Neillian, I even have an autograph book by him.

  • Leonard C Robinson

    My POV is that of O’Neill & Heppenheimer, using the early Heppenheimer writings (“Colonies in Space”, “Toward Distant Suns”, and his commentary in the 1977 Co-Evolution Quarterly on Space Colonization) for starters. Further, I join with those who wish to emigrate to the Moon, permamently. An heart which would fail on Earth’s gravity would still be functional in 1/6th Gravity, that of the Moon. And that is for starters.