By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 21 at 7:51 am ET Are Republicans for space exploration and Democrats against it? It sounds overly simplistic, given that NASA has traditionally enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress. In an article in The Space Review, though, Jeff Brooks offers at least some anecdotal evidence that many Democrats, at least at the grassroots level, oppose the Vision for Space Exploration, in […]
By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 18 at 7:46 am ET Compared to the heated debate last year about how much money NASA should get, this year NASA’s budget sailed through with relatively little public debate, at least about the top-level figures. As such, there has been little public reaction now that the bill has been passed. Some politicians have spoken, such as Rep. David Dreier […]
By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 17 at 12:49 pm ET I did not get a chance to watch yesterday’s House Science Committee hearing on the troubled NPOESS satellite program, but it was pretty clear from both the post-hearing press releases by the full committee and the Democratic leadership that no one is very pleased about the cost overruns and schedule delays this program has encountered. […]
By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 16 at 7:14 pm ET The Senate passed the Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations conference report earlier today on a 94-5 vote, following up on a 397-19 vote by the House last week. NASA administrator Michael Griffin issued a press release after the Senate passed the bill, offering “my sincere thanks to the House and Senate for endorsing and funding, for the second […]
By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 16 at 7:45 am ET RIA Novosti has published a summary of an article from the Russian newspaper Novye Izvestia about concerns that NASA and Roskosmos reportedly have regarding the numerous private claims of ownership of the Moon, claiming that these “owners” would sue for “moral and material damage” if these agencies established bases on their property. According to the […]
By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 16 at 7:37 am ET NASA administrator Michael Griffin, speaking at the American Astronautical Society’s annual conference Tuesday in Houston, took some time to discuss his plans to involve the private sector in the exploration architecture, the Houston Chronicle reports. He covered some familiar ground about commercial ISS cargo and crew transport, but also added that, down the road, “NASA […]
By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 15 at 7:20 pm ET The House Science Committee plans to hold a hearing of the full committee on Wednesday morning to discuss the status of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Earth Satellite System (NPOESS), a weather satellite program that has encountered serious delays and cost overruns. (The link to the media advisory announcing the hearing isn’t working as of this […]
By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 15 at 12:59 pm ET The Mars Society and the NSS are jointly sponsoring a talk by former astronaut Scott Horowitz, the new associate administrator for exploration at NASA, on Tuesday, November 29 at 2 pm in room 2325 of the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington. Not surprisingly, Horowitz will speak about ESAS. To RSVP, please contact George Whitesides […]
By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 12 at 9:43 am ET I’m at the University of Illinois this weekend for the SpaceVision2005 conference, the national conference of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS). Friday afternoon featured a presentation on the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) by two representatives of Northrop Grumman: Alan Ladwig and Mike Lembeck, who recently joined Northrop from NASA. Lembeck had […]
By Jeff Foust on 2005 November 10 at 5:55 am ET The Senate approved by unanimous consent late Tuesday the amended version of S.1713, the legislation that allows NASA to purchase Russian hardware and services for the ISS. The Senate had previously approved the bill—also by unanimous consent—back in September, but had to go through the process again after the House amended the legislation somewhat when […]