Mike Griffin’s wish list for Florida

NASA administrator Michael Griffin spoke before a committee of the Florida House of Representatives on Thursday about issues related to the infrastructure associated with the Kennedy Space Center. According to the AP account of Griffin’s visit;

Traffic-free roads, affordable housing and quality schools in Florida all factor into NASA’s ability to attract the best workers necessary to keep the U.S. ahead in the 21st-century space race, the head of the nation’s space program told a House joint committee today.

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin reminded lawmakers that his agency chose the Cape Canaveral site in the 1960s partly for its isolation. Now workers have long commutes on crowded roads and find housing costs rising out of reach.

Griffin told lawmakers who handle infrastructure and space issues that it was essential that the highway, rail and waterway connections to Cape Canaveral are improved.

Those concerns—housing, traffic, and education—would seem to pose a problem not just for KSC. Take NASA Headquarters, for instance: while the Washington area has good schools (at least outside of DC proper), traffic congestion and rising housing costs are among the worst in the nation. The same is true for a number of other NASA centers. Will stratospheric housing costs keep us grounded?

2 comments to Mike Griffin’s wish list for Florida

  • David Davenport

    … traffic congestion and rising housing costs are among the worst in the nation. The same is true for a number of other NASA centers. Will stratospheric housing costs keep us grounded?

    Not in Huntsville.

    It’s easy to perceive that Jeff doesn’t travel much out in the boondocks.

  • Kevin Reicher-Robinson

    The Space ‘Program’ is in incompetent hands at the present time. Bush and Griffin DO NOT have the vision to realistically attain their ‘goals’. It is also more than possible that they are both just RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISTS who wish to RETARD the progress of the SPACE PROGRAM, maybe even get it into such a state of disrepair that it gets beyond repair, then trying to sway public opinion that this world is better off without a space-program. Does anyone really think that Bush writes his own speeches? – He could not compose a speech by himself that is half as eloquent as the half-eloquent speeches that he is presented with to drivel out to the masses.Or he really does support the program, which WOULD BE GREAT, but even in that case, his estimates of what can be attained within certain timeframes are unrealistic, uninformed and uneducated ramblings of someone(or someone who wrote his speech,intentionally, to make him look like a goof, OR really seriously misinformed)of the REALITY of the hard work, reasearch and labor that goes into producing a quality space-vehicle that will not FUCK-UP 100% of the time.It is NOT BEYOND PRESENT TECHNOLOGY to make PERFECTLY SAFE space vehicles that operate like clock-work.Thus, being the case, such vehicles have either ALREADY BEEN BUILT, but ARE CLASSIFIED BLACK PROJECTS a la CONSPIRACY THEORIES, OR NASA REALLY HAS SLACKED OFF for ONE HELL OF A LONG TIME, squandering their funds on beach parties in Ft.Lauderdale, which is a PROBABLE scenaario. – NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the HUMAN NEED TO SATISFY IMMEDIATE IMPULSES and DESIRES in their lives. WHEN MIDDLE-AGED PEOPLE and up, evaluate their lives and estimate about how much time their own lifespans on earth will be, then there is major room for fudging of funds for more IMMEDIATE PROJECTS, like building WHORE-HOUSES and obtaining the PLEASUREFITS of the things found THEREIN. – Kevin Reicher Robinson, 86 13640799994