
Sendin’ out an SOS

Bill Nye (left) and Louis Friedman at The Planetary Society’s press conference in LA Thursday.

The Planetary Society issued a press release and held a press conference during the International Space Development Conference (ISDC) in Los Angeles Thursday to announce its “Save Our Science” effort. According to TPS executive director Louis Friedman, “thousands” of people have signed an online petition asking Congress to restore funding to NASA’s science programs. An interesting factoid: Friedman claimed that of the $3 billion NASA plans to transfer from science programs in the next several years, “more than 95 percent of it comes out of planetary exploration. It’s not a balanced cut, it’s a specifically-directed cut at planetary programs.”

One thing the TPS doesn’t specify in its SOS effort is how the money should be restored. When asked if the money should come from increasing NASA’s overall budget, or if the money should be transferred back from other agency programs without increasing the overall budget, Friedman and Bill Nye, TPS vice president, punted. “As a taxpayer and voter, I hire those guys [in Congress] to make those decisions,” said Nye. “There are all kinds of nuances in budget discussions,” added Friedman. “I think he [Nye] has given a very good answer: they [Congress] have got to work that out” so long as science programs get more money. Such an approach certainly avoids making enemies, either among fiscal conservatives or supporters of other NASA programs, but it makes it sound a little weak to some people’s ears.

But then, other aspects of the society’s arguments could use some strengthening. Shortly after the comments above, Nye said, “To cut science now when we have these global problems is, uh, is inappropriate!

“Try to come up with a stronger word,” advised Friedman.

“Well, crazy! All right, is that what you want?”

2 comments to Sendin’ out an SOS

  • I’m disappointed in the Planetary Society. They’ve had weeks to think about this and all they can do is the easy stuff (complain), rather than propose constructive solutions. Since they support human planetary exploration, constructive solutions are hard to come by, but that’s no excuse for complaining without noticeable thought.

    Also, it is simplistic to argue that NASA has cut planetary exploration. Since a return to the moon is planetary exploration (well, okay, moon exploration) in any meaningful use of the term, the NASA budget actually greatly increases investment in planetary exploration, albeit pushing its realization further out. Astrophysicists, et al, actually have far more reason to complain.

    — Donald

  • A note for the public from the International Space Agency (ISA) Organization on the Planetary Society press conference.

    The ISA Organization has submitted numerious letters to the Planetary Society, National Space Society, Mars Society, British Interplanetary Society, and Many Other Citizen Societies Globally, since 1990, asking that they form an International Society Federation consisting of the Chairman or Chief Executive Officer of each of these Public Space Societies, and speak with one voice and focus their combined resources and membership to support the Human Space Effort. This has been routinely ignored, as sadly these groups are in many cases front Organizations, or controled by, National Interests like NASA, or Corporate Interests of Big Space Industry, or by Military or National Security Interests. They do not want to cooperate or work together because they each have their own hidden agendas and are pushing the snake oil of their benefactors and puppet masters. If these groups were truly sincere and truly the Citizen Space Societies they claim to be to gain public support and donations (Money), they would have no problem working together in a formal, focused, and organized manner. But this has not yet happened, and likely will never happen, because these groups, at least the leadership, are more focused on their agendas, and not the wishes of the vast majority of their membership, or indeed the vast majority of the general public who are interested in the Human Space Effort.

    Please see below the REAL solution to Space Science and Space Exploration budget shortfalls, and lack of any REAL Human Space Effort or Infrastructure of Scope or Scale.

    That is, if our Communications are not again CENSORED by your freindly NASA Military Industrial Complex! :-(

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    FROM: International Space Agency (ISA) – Diplomatic Offices
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    Washington Telephone: 202-917-0209
    Omaha Telephone: 402-299-2799

    TO: Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)
    Penelope Walz – CCSDS Outreach & Public Affairs
    6301 Ivy Lane, Suite 720, Greenbelt MD, 20770, United States of America
    Telephone: 301-474-5424 E-mail:

    CC: Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)
    National Government & (NGO) Private Members
    * see the Micro Soft Word Document Attachment for send list
    * see the Micro Soft Word Document Attachment for copy of this letter

    SUBJECT: Seeking Board of Directors & Board of Advisors Candidates
    * Also seeking International Treaty & Charter Status ( Government & Non-Government Signatories To The ISA Charter And Membership To The ISA Organization )

    Ladies, Gentlemen, Fellow World Citizens, Respectfully,

    Firstly, please see these links below to information in support of this letter to you, and its important request to follow. Also please see the Micro Soft Word Document Attachment for those whom this letter has been respectfully addressed. Also please see a copy of this letter to you, provided in a Micro Soft Word Document Attachment for your convenience. Thank You.

    ISA Open Letter to World Citizens & Global Space Community

    ISA Leadership & Staff

    ISA Certificate of Incorporation

    A: Diplomatic Letters to National Space Organizations

    Ref 1: ISA Washington, D.C. Diplomatic Offices Opened in 2005

    Ref 2: European Space Agency (ESA) Diplomatic Letter

    Ref 3: President United States, George W. Bush, Diplomatic Letter:

    B: International Space Agency (ISA) Supporting Information

    Ref 1: ISA Vision & Mission Statement

    Ref 2: ISA Color Flyer & Organization Goals Overview

    Ref 3: ISA Back Ground Information

    C: International Space Agency (ISA) News & Articles

    Ref 1: News Story Russia, PRAVDA, 2005

    Ref 2: Space News, Article, 2004

    Ref 3: Scientific Paper, Kazan Aviation Institute, Russia

    Ref 4: ISA Chairman & CEO at the 2002 World Space Congress

    Ref 5: First International Space Agency (ISA) Meeting in Washington, D.C.
    held at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace May 1992
    * Use navigation buttons at bottoms of pages to move through the archive

    Ref 6: First International Space Agency (ISA) Press Conference 1990

    The International Space Agency (ISA) Organization, which was Founded in 1986 and Incorporated in 1990, and is Presently Seeking International Treaty and Charter Status, is reaching out to the Global Space Community for support.

    We are seeking Candidates for the ISA Board of Directors and ISA Board of Advisors, to join the growing ISA Global Team and the ISA Vision.

    We are also seeking to correct the massive amount of FALSE information and harmful PROPAGANDA which has been widely circulated through out the Global Space Community by Organizations and Persons whom have seen the International Space Agency (ISA) Organization and its Noble & Historic Vision, Goals, Mission, and Efforts as a threat for what ever reason, or have sought to undermine and slander this Organization and its Staff and Supporters.

    We are also seeking to mend any misunderstandings or bad relations which have occurred in the past, due mainly to either reactions based on FALSE information and PROPAGANDA about the ISA organization, or from unintended misunderstandings or miscommunications, due to culture, or inexperience on the part of the young and growing International Space Agency (ISA) Organization and its people.

    We also hope to reach out to the Global Space Community for help and support in the International Space Agency (ISA) Organizations Vision, Purpose, Goals, Mission, and Efforts. We are asking for the National Space Agencies of the World to join the ISA Organization. We also ask the Major Space Corporations, Scientific & Academic Organizations, and Private Space Societies & Groups to also join the ISA Organization.

    The Human Space Effort must be conducted in a more focused and beneficial way then it has been done in the past or as is presently being conducted. The present National Adversarial Approach and Military Over Influence on the Human Space Effort has retarded any major or meaningful progress in the Human Space Effort. For the Human Space Effort to achieve true Totally Reusable & Routine Orbital Capability (ie: International Space Plane Program and International Launch & Return); Routine Earth Orbital Operations & Robust Infrastructure; Luna Missions, Bases, and Exploration; Mars Missions, Bases, and Exploration; Solar System Missions, Bases, and Exploration; and maybe one day (If Humanity has not destroyed itself by Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, or some other Means like Global Warming and Environmental Destruction, or some Major Natural Catastrophic Event like a Planet Killing Asteroid or Comet, Freak Solar Flare, or other such event of scale in the natural domain.) Humanity may truly reach for the stars by traveling to other star systems and distant places in this infinite creation of the Universe which surrounds our tiny speck of sand, called Planet Earth.

    The International Space Agency (ISA) is needed, even though there will always be those seeking exclusive control of the Human Space Effort for Power, Control, Profit, and Military Dominance. Sadly, this is the evil of Human Nature. However, the International Space Agency (ISA) Organization and its Vision, Purpose, Goals, and Present Efforts can offer Humanity an opportunity to reach beyond its shortcomings and to reach beyond National Rivalry and Strife, and indeed beyond the present National Capability and Scope.

    We ask for you help, support, and understanding.

    Thank You, for your Time and Support.

    Ad-Astra! “To The Stars!”
    In Peace For All Mankind!

    Humbly In Your Service,


    From The ISA Global Team
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    Phone: (402) 299-2799

    International Space Agency (ISA) International Space Administration
    ( ISA Established In 1982 ) ISA Organization Was Founded In 1986
    ISA Organization Was Incorporated In 1990 ( New York State, U.S.A.)
    ISA Is A Non-Profit Corporation -&- Non-Governmental Organization
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