The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is hosting a talk on Tuesday, May 23, by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), titled “Exploration and the Future of U.S. Leadership in Space.” According to the talk’s description, Hutchison’s speech will encompass “the future of the International Space Station, its role in the Vision for Space Exploration, and the implications for U.S. Leadership in Space Exploration.” (Note the capitalization of “leadership”, “space”, and “exploration”.) Also appearing with Hutchison are former astronauts Ken Bowersox and Mike Coats, the latter the current director of JSC.
I have the feeling that Hutchison will trot out all of the old ponies, the ones about the space station leading to quantum leaps in technology and lifesaving medicines. US leadership in space would have a better future if Kay Bailey Hutchison weren’t part of it.
Wait and see if she says anything new, or if its the same old cliche:
“Space Station Freedom of Speech…well as you know, Freedom is long gone. We tied up crazy Izan and forced him into the International Space Station, but now it seems our crazy cousin is becoming our master, much like the illegal alien… the old slave becomes your master syndrome. If we could just get astronauts there without blowing them to Smitherenes and also figure out something to do, this would be a lot easier. If all else fails, the Chinese will bail us out. We will just have to make the procurements in the Spring and Summer so that the trade deficit does not look too lopsided following the Winter “made in China” season.
All in all, it is most important we continue flying the second to none and next to nothing Space Shuttle to complete the International Space Station Station before we start tearing it down.”
Yes, and after that we can return to the moon in very nearly the same way we did it back in 1972.
I have three better ideas :
Propulsion, propulsion and propulsion.