Campaign '08

Romney: stay the course on the Vision

Republican presidential candidate did briefly address space policy during his visit in Florida on Monday, endorsing the Vision for Space Exploration more or less by default, according to Florida Today. Beyond the general platitudes about space (“Our future is driven in large measure by our investments in technology and innovation and learning, and that’s what the space program is,” he said in a luncheon speech) the paper asked him about the Vision. Romney said he hadn’t decided if the current plan was the one he would continue to pursue as president, but “I have no reason to change that at this point.”

3 comments to Romney: stay the course on the Vision

  • MarkWhittington

    I think that is less of an endorsement than a tap dance around a question to which he hasn’t an answer to yet.

  • Bill White

    Mark and I are in complete agreement. At least as to this comment.

  • CynicalStudent

    Romney said he hadn’t decided if the current plan was the one he would continue to pursue as president, but “I have no reason to change that at this point.”

    well lets hope that electoral pressures dont convince Mitt to find a “reason to change” on space exploration the way they did on his abortion stance.

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