Campaign '08

Activists are from Mars…

Most readers here are probably aware of the Mars Society’s political outreach work, including Operation President 2008, its effort to contact presidential candidates, determine their opinions about human exploration of Mars, and, if necessary, encourage them to support such efforts. Wired News has a feature article about the Mars Society’s efforts, following Chris Carberry, political director of the organization, on a trip to a Barack Obama rally in New Hampshire. A key issue: credibility. “Getting past the giggle factor is the first step — we have to show that we’re sane, serious people,” Carberry tells Wired.

So what does Obama think about Mars exploration? Carberry manages to get a few seconds with the candidate after the rally, as chronicled by Wired:

Over the Stevie Wonder song blasting from the sound system, Carberry blurted out his question. “I’m with a group called the Mars Society, and we’d like to know: Do you support the policy of journeying back to the moon and going on to Mars?”

Without a blink, Obama was ready. “I’m inspired by the idea of going to Mars,” he replied, projecting friendly sincerity. “I’m also mindful of the budgetary constraints. So I won’t give you an answer right now.”

Carberry followed up — could he give him some reading material, and make an appointment to speak with someone from his policy team? “Absolutely.” The folder was passed off to one of Obama’s staff, and the candidate moved on.

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