Campaign '08, States

New Mexico: Spaceport tax losing in Otero County

According to the barebones election results page at the web site of the county clerk in Otero County, New Mexico, voters there are narrowly rejecting a one-eighth of one percent gross receipts tax increase to help fund Spaceport America. As of a little before 11 pm EST, there were 322 more “against” votes than “for”, 3,985 to 3,663. It appears that there is only one precinct still to report, as well as absentee and early ballots. A rejection of the tax would be a setback for spaceport proponents, but not a fatal blow, since the Otero tax would contribute only a few percent of the projected cost of the facility.

2 comments to New Mexico: Spaceport tax losing in Otero County

  • Adrian

    1/8th of one percent? seriously?

    its amazing anything ever gets done in this country. i feel so blessed to have running water, a sewage system, and semi-paved roads. i dont like taxes anymore than the next guy, but how is the government supposed to pay for basic infrastructure, let alone investments that bring in good jobs and businesses without some revenue?

  • I suspect that people in poor counties in New Mexico are more interested in paying taxes for water, sewage and roads than for a spaceport for a rich Englishman.

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