Gration gyrations

Earlier this week is appeared that former Air Force major general Jonathan Scott Gration would be nominated this week as NASA administrator. However, the week has come and gone, and although Mike Griffin had his farewell ceremony Friday at NASA headquarters, there has still been no formal word on who will succeed him.

In an […]

Seeking more stimulus

Earlier this week House and Senate leaders announced the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009, which includes, in the words of the press release announcing the bill, “$550 billion in thoughtful and carefully targeted priority investments with unprecedented accountability measures built in.” (emphasis in original) The good news for NASA supporters is that bill […]

Pushback on Gration?

Wednesday came and went without a formal announcement of whether former Air Force Major General Jonathan Scott Gration would be the next NASA administrator (despite one publication jumping the gun). It’s also not at all clear how certain the selection of Gration is: while initial reports indicated that Gration was all but a lock to […]

Jobs and stimuli

In perhaps his last meeting with reporters, NASA administrator Mike Griffin warned yesterday that the agency could be forced to lay off contractors if the existing continuing resolution is extended, the Houston Chronicle reports. Griffin didn’t say how many positions would be at risk, but did say they would primarily come from Constellation, which would […]

An outside pick for NASA administrator?

Both NASA Watch and Space News are reporting this evening that a new and relatively unknown (in the space community) choice for NASA administrator has emerged: retired Air Force major general J. Scott Gration. (The Space News report is more certain, saying that Gration has been asked to take the job, and could be formally […]

Griffin, Constellation, and more

In yesterday’s issue of The Space Review, I write a more detailed article about Mike Griffin’s speech last week where he defended Constellation against the various alternatives proposed to replace it. A couple of items in the report that I didn’t mention in my previous post on the topic:

Grififn said he would not necessarily […]

Brief updates

While the House Science and Technology Committee has not released its membership for the new Congress yet, freshman member Parker Griffith (D-AL) says he’s won a spot on the committee. Griffith won the seat vacated by Bud Cramer, who retired; Griffith’s district includes Huntsville and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Who isn’t the Obama […]

“Never gonna give you up”

No, the title is not the battle cry of supporters of current NASA administrator Mike Griffin, but it does have a cameo role in the saga of who might replace him. Read on…

There is a certain fascination within some elements of the space advocacy community with polls. Get enough people to vote in a […]

A new name in the NASA administrator hunt

Space News reports that a new name has emerged in the NASA administrator sweepstakes: Earth scientist Charles Kennel. Kennel is Distinguished Professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, where he also served a term as the institute’s director. He is also chair of the Space Studies Board of the National Academies. He is not a […]

Griffin’s latest defense of Constellation

NASA administrator Mike Griffin was the speaker at a Space Transportation Association breakfast on Capitol Hill this morning. (The speech is now available online.) I’ll provide some more details later, but some highlights:

This was not really a valedictory or farewell speech by Griffin. Instead, it was a lengthy (about 40 minutes) address focused almost […]