
Parker Griffith can’t lose?

In a lengthy article about Congressman Parker Griffith’s party switch published today by the Huntsville Times, Griffith says that a lack of “enthusiasm” from the Obama Administration on human spaceflight was one of the reasons he decided to switch from the Democratic to the Republican Party. “Missile defense has been on the back burner; there is no enthusiasm in the White House for manned spaceflight,” Griffith told the Times. “Over time, I was (convinced) [to switch parties] because it was Republicans who came to my aid on these issues.”

However, during the switch Griffith lost his seat on the House Science and Technology Committee and has not gotten it back yet. Griffith told the paper on Friday that he finally expected to get committee assignments in five to ten days, although those assignments had been expected earlier in the month. There were no pre-arrangements with the Republican House leadership about assignments, he said, since his party switch was his own decision and not something negotiated with Republicans. (The article claims that Griffith was the vice chair of the science committee’s space subcommittee, but that’s incorrect: that position has been held since last year by Congresswoman Donna Edwards of Maryland.)

Regardless of his committee assignments, and despite facing a strong challenges from Republicans and Democrats in the primary and general election, one local expert expects Griffith to keep his seat. “I think Parker Griffith will probably do very well in both the primary and the general election,” Tommy Williams, a retired political science professor, told the Times. “Incumbency is usually very beneficial.” Usually, although not necessary this year, and not necessarily in this district.

3 comments to Parker Griffith can’t lose?

  • Ferris Valyn

    The idea that Parker Griffith has an easy road to victory is hardly the case. He is already facing 2 primary challengers from the teabagger crowd, and the Democrats have made noises about targeting Griffith big time.

    This race is going to be interesting

  • Parker Griffith made a huge miscalculation with this switch and his notion that he could switch parties and retain his Committee assignments offers a flavor of his phenomenal inexperience with government … or perhaps his ego told him he was indispensable, just like all the dead men who fill cemeteries.

    Griffith has two Republican opponents, both well connected with the Tea Party crowd. He’s been shunned by the two most populous Republican parties in his district. 14 months ago the NRSC ran a series of negative ads accusing Griffith of causing his cancer patients pain and suffering for additional profits — that will be hard for Republican voters to forget. Griffith is getting significant bad press in the local media market for reneging on his offer to refund contributions from Democrats and also for leaving the district without representation on key committees … and for various lies he’s told the media.

    Right now, I’d put Griffith’s chances of getting out of the GOP primary alive at slightly less than even.

  • BBerger

    Nice early 90s TV reference!

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