It took three days, but late Friday Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) declared victory in her fight for reelection to Arizona’s 8th district, narrowly defeating Republican Jesse Kelly, who conceded the race in a statement. Giffords, who had been the chair of the House Science and Technology Committee’s space subcommittee, will now be, at best, ranking member of that committee in the new Congress with the Republican takeover of the House.
Meanwhile, in the neighboring 7th district, self-identified “rocket scientist” Ruth McClung lost her bid to oust Rep. Raúl Grijalva, with the Democratic congressman declaring victory Thursday night. However, McClung told the AP that she would not formally concede until remaining outstanding ballots were counted, even as Grijalva’s lead widened.
Ruth was at least entertaining…Robert G. Oler
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. and I was *so* looking forward to not hearing any more stupidity from her or her conflict of interest – err, I mean, her husband.
She was one democrat I definitely wanted out. What a waste of good oxygen!
Although she is a democrat, and I do not tend to agree with her on several issues, I particularly admired her support of the good work of NASA. I am glad that voters decided to retain her.
The preceeding comments by a few others only tend to reinformce my respect for her.
I particularly admired her support of the good work of NASA.
She didn’t support the good work of NASA. She supported Constellation.
So close, and yet so far. Oh well, we can always try again in 2 years.