No “flexibility” in McCain budget freeze

There have been conflicting statements about how sort of NASA budgets John McCain would propose if elected president. His space policy proposes to “Commit to funding the NASA Constellation program to ensure it has the resources it needs”, and other statements suggest that he would at least be amenable to additional NASA funding. However, his […]

No space debate for you

Did you know there’s going to be a space policy debate tomorrow in Washington? No? That’s okay, because you’re probably not invited anyway, the Orlando Sentinel reported late today. The Thursday event, organized by the Aerospace Industries Association, will feature some familiar people: Lori Garver, representing the Obama campaign; and Floyd DesChamps for the McCain […]

Science Debate answers cover familiar ground

Earlier this year Science Debate 2008, a group trying to put together a debate among presidential candidates devoted exclusively to science policy, issued a set of 14 questions to the campaigns of John McCain and Barack Obama that they hoped to get answered in lieu of an actual debate. One of those 14 dealt with […]

Space in the Republican platform

As noted here last month, the Democratic Party platform includes a passing reference to space in its 2008 edition, while its 2004 edition made no mention of the subject. The 2008 Republican Party platform is now available, and it also makes a brief reference to space in the document, in the “Technology and Innovation” section […]

A little slow on the uptake

It’s been nearly a month since Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama formally repudiated his previous position on the Constellation program (although he had been edging away from it from months in other remarks), which means that just about everyone has heard about it, right? Apparently not at the Associated Press, which included this passage in […]

A familiar anecdote

There was a little frisson online this evening as people watching the video introducing Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama noticed Obama mentioned seeing Apollo astronauts return to Hawaii with his grandfather. His grandfather told him, Obama recalled, that this was evidence that Americans could do anything they put their minds to. Naturally, space enthusiasts got […]

Obama’s “general” space policy advisors

So who is advising Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama on space issues? We know that Lori Garver, who previously worked with the Hillary Clinton campaign, is helping the Obama campaign on this issue; she noted at the Mars Society conference debate that she had talked with Obama several times on this. He is also getting […]

Even in Florida…

…in one of the most space-savvy districts in the nation, a candidate who talks about three ways to shorten the gap, promotes space-based solar power, and has the endorsements of both a major newspaper and Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin can get trounced in a primary election by someone who thinks the Chandra X-Ray Observatory […]

McCain, Senators: preserve option to extend shuttle life

Three members of the US Senate, including Republican presidential candidate John Mccain, have asked President Bush not to take any steps that would preclude extending the shuttle’s life beyond 2010. In a letter to the president dated Monday, McCain and Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) and David Vitter (R-LA) said uncertainty about US access to […]

News from the convention

No, not much space-related news from Denver, but a couple of minor items. One, a snippet from Sen. Ted Kennedy’s speech last night:

We are told that Barack Obama believes too much in an America of high principle and bold endeavor, but when John Kennedy called of going to the moon, he didn’t say […]