Lampson: not asked, but would be honored to serve

As previously noted, former congressman Nick Lampson is now rumored to be under consideration for the NASA administrator’s job. Lampson is in Colorado Springs for the National Space Symposium, so I asked him about those reports after a press conference by the Coalition for Space Exploration to announce its new board of advisors (which includes […]

NASA authorization bill introduced in House

The leaders of the House Science and Technology Committee formally introduced new authorization bill for NASA on Thursday, in advance of next week’s markup session on the legislation. The text of the bill, HR 6063, isn’t available yet (it should be in the next day or so), but the statement about the bill by Rep. […]

Today’s big election (and it’s not in Pennsylvania)

While most people will be focusing their attention today on the Democratic presidential primary in Pennsylvania, the space industry, in particular the entrepreneurial NewSpace sector, will instead be paying attention a special election today in Sierra County, New Mexico. At stake: a quarter-cent increase in the sales tax in the county, with the proceeds going […]

Salvaging Galileo

When the public-private partnership that was originally envisioned to pay for the development of Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation system fell through earlier this year, it became clear that if Galileo was to continue, it would have to do so entirely at the expense of European taxpayers. Now it appears that EU has found a way […]

Galileo military debate

A proposal by European officials to allow military use of the Galileo satellite navigation system has could cause new friction with the US and cost it one international partner. According to an article from the British newspaper The Independent (via the Belfast Telegraph), European transport commissioner Jacques Barrot has suggested that military users of Galileo […]